What’s it like to be you?
This journey with ya’ll and “The Help” has opened my eyes to many things in my life as a woman who has a High Calling for the Kingdom. Throughout this movie/book there is a constant theme of “help” in which boundaries, culture, and social status lines become blurred as women step out and learn about one another through sharing of their personal experiences. As women get to know one another and ask the question either verbally or silently, “What’s it like to be you?” we begin to see stories and truth revealed in them in ways we might have expected.
So for a final wrap up, that’s what I would like to ask YOU: “what’s it like to be you?”
Once I have your responses collected I would love to share these on my blog. If you would like to share with me but not have it published in the blog please let me know, otherwise I will assume it will be ok. I would love for all of us women warriors rally at the well and have a chance to share with one another what it’s like to be us, as in YOU specifically…It’s refreshing to have someone ask about you every once in awhile.
Also, below are some of the quotes I have pulled out from the book/movie for you to reflect on and how it speaks to your soul. Please take some time to read each one and really feel how they touch you and why they touch you as a Lady of THE Court.
Blessings on you my sisters and thank you for journeying with me in this.
Aibileen Clark: “You is kind. You is smart. You is important.”
Charlotte Phelan: “Courage sometimes skips a generation. Thank you for bringing it back to our family.”
“Courage: Daring to do what is right in spite of the weakness in our flesh.”
Eugenia 'Skeeter' Phelan: “You said to write about what disturbs me, particularly if it bothers no one else”
“What if you don’t like what I got to say about white people?” –Aibileen to Constantine
“Go find your life, Miss Skeeter.”
Friday, September 9, 2011
Thursday, September 1, 2011
'The Help"-Stop Swimming
May the Lord show favor to you today..
SIDENOTE: I'm going to be sending e-vites out soon for the coming to together for 'The Help' fellowship. I would encourage all of you to keep reading (SUCH A GOOD Book) or go treat yourself (yes, think about yourself for a change) and have a gal night out to see the movie before you come. It's inspirational lemme tell ya ;)
Reflections from chapters 13-16
“…I mean in life. What do you want?” “I want to be a writer, a journalist, maybe a novelist, maybe both…” (pg. 200)
“Show me how to teach Baby Girl to be kind, to love herself; to love others, while I got time with her… (226)
“You kind, you smart, you important. But growing up and I know, soon, them few words ain;t gone be enough.” (pg. 234)
**Keep mediating on Luke 10:25-41**
This reflection comes from “My Utmost for His Highest” When I read it, it reminded me that we all have dreams and visions of how we want to be used for God, what we all want out of life. As we get these dreams we tend to stand up quick and get going down the road to make “it” happen. We have gifts to me teachers and mentors to those around us, we are compelled to show the love of Jesus to others, they are loved, they are beautiful, they are valued. We are the women prophets who delight in telling other women the truths God sepaks about them…But what about us? Do you know with your heart and head that those truths are meant to for you too, warrior princess.
It’s not about service ladies, it’s not about volunteering, it’s not about pressing on to impact the lives of people even though we are drained, it’s about sitting at our Lord’s feet and “BEING.” I know it seems backwards that in order to be God’s best we must sit at his feet and “BE” instead of what the world says in the words of “Finding Nemo”-“Just keep swimming, swimming…” Stop swimming and rest in the Lord as you go about your day and in that God’s Kingdom comes down to those around us.
Come to the well to rest, to talk, to be with our Lord.
Taken from: My Utmost for His Highest
“Notwithstanding in this rejoice not ...,but rather rejoice because your names are written in heaven”-Luke 10:19,20
Jesus Christ says, in effect, Don't rejoice in successful service, but rejoice because you are rightly related to Me. The snare in Christian work is to rejoice in successful service, to rejoice in the fact that God has used you. You never can measure what God will do through you if you are rightly related to Jesus Christ. Keep your relationship right with Him, then whatever circumstances you are in, and whoever you meet day by day, He is pouring rivers of living water through you, and it is of His mercy that He does not let you know it. When once you are rightly related to God by salvation and sanctification, remember that wherever you are, you are put there by God; and by the reaction of your life on the circumstances around you, you will fulfill God's purpose, as long as you keep in the light as God is in the light.
The tendency to-day is to put the emphasis on service. Beware of the people who make usefulness their ground of appeal. If you make usefulness the test, then Jesus Christ was the greatest failure that ever lived. The lodestar of the saint is God Him self, not estimated usefulness. It is the work that God does through us that counts, not what we do for Him. All that Our Lord heeds in a man's life is the relationship of worth to His Father. Jesus is bringing many sons to glory.
Spiritual Rythmn: Memorization
Take one verse this week write it out and take it with you everywhere you go.
May the Lord show favor to you today..
SIDENOTE: I'm going to be sending e-vites out soon for the coming to together for 'The Help' fellowship. I would encourage all of you to keep reading (SUCH A GOOD Book) or go treat yourself (yes, think about yourself for a change) and have a gal night out to see the movie before you come. It's inspirational lemme tell ya ;)
Reflections from chapters 13-16
“…I mean in life. What do you want?” “I want to be a writer, a journalist, maybe a novelist, maybe both…” (pg. 200)
“Show me how to teach Baby Girl to be kind, to love herself; to love others, while I got time with her… (226)
“You kind, you smart, you important. But growing up and I know, soon, them few words ain;t gone be enough.” (pg. 234)
**Keep mediating on Luke 10:25-41**
This reflection comes from “My Utmost for His Highest” When I read it, it reminded me that we all have dreams and visions of how we want to be used for God, what we all want out of life. As we get these dreams we tend to stand up quick and get going down the road to make “it” happen. We have gifts to me teachers and mentors to those around us, we are compelled to show the love of Jesus to others, they are loved, they are beautiful, they are valued. We are the women prophets who delight in telling other women the truths God sepaks about them…But what about us? Do you know with your heart and head that those truths are meant to for you too, warrior princess.
It’s not about service ladies, it’s not about volunteering, it’s not about pressing on to impact the lives of people even though we are drained, it’s about sitting at our Lord’s feet and “BEING.” I know it seems backwards that in order to be God’s best we must sit at his feet and “BE” instead of what the world says in the words of “Finding Nemo”-“Just keep swimming, swimming…” Stop swimming and rest in the Lord as you go about your day and in that God’s Kingdom comes down to those around us.
Come to the well to rest, to talk, to be with our Lord.
Taken from: My Utmost for His Highest
“Notwithstanding in this rejoice not ...,but rather rejoice because your names are written in heaven”-Luke 10:19,20
Jesus Christ says, in effect, Don't rejoice in successful service, but rejoice because you are rightly related to Me. The snare in Christian work is to rejoice in successful service, to rejoice in the fact that God has used you. You never can measure what God will do through you if you are rightly related to Jesus Christ. Keep your relationship right with Him, then whatever circumstances you are in, and whoever you meet day by day, He is pouring rivers of living water through you, and it is of His mercy that He does not let you know it. When once you are rightly related to God by salvation and sanctification, remember that wherever you are, you are put there by God; and by the reaction of your life on the circumstances around you, you will fulfill God's purpose, as long as you keep in the light as God is in the light.
The tendency to-day is to put the emphasis on service. Beware of the people who make usefulness their ground of appeal. If you make usefulness the test, then Jesus Christ was the greatest failure that ever lived. The lodestar of the saint is God Him self, not estimated usefulness. It is the work that God does through us that counts, not what we do for Him. All that Our Lord heeds in a man's life is the relationship of worth to His Father. Jesus is bringing many sons to glory.
Spiritual Rythmn: Memorization
Take one verse this week write it out and take it with you everywhere you go.
Wednesday, August 31, 2011
"The Help'-Sitting at the well
“I am starting to notice things...”-(pg. 183)
“what makes you think colored people need your help?...”Why you even care about this?... YOU WHITE...”I’ve never had a colored person speak to me like that...”we want to show your perspective...so people might understand what it’s like from your side. We-we hope it might change somethings around here (pg. 192)
READ: LUKE 10:25-41
Ok ladies we are coming close to the date we are meeting, to fellowship with one another...so the next couple of insights may be sporadic throughout the rest of the book...So bear with me, and don’t worry I will let you know what chapters I am getting my inspiration.
Here’s a question-How hard is it for us to practice the art of “being”? Due to our circumstances or experiences we have noticed the dark things of this world, we are go-getters so we assume people need our help. Not only that but we try to bring to light a variety of things in order for people to understand a different perspective and we hope with God’s grace we would be the front runners to change things. We serve others and keep going..and going...and going. We try are the over achievers who are used to doing all the planning ourselves... These are GREAT things, these are our callings after all, but if we are to be the best to further God’s kingdom “being” seems to be more of a concern to our Father.
I must admit “being” is just not one of my “gifts.” For me, even as a toddler my great-grandmother used to tell people “I’ve never seen that girl walk.” What’s true then is still true today I only know one speed and I still seem to be able to maintain that speed. But that’s not the point of this life-how much we can accomplish in one day. I am beginning to see my day to day is about going to the well.
Here’s what I mean: In ancient times wells were built in order to provide water and it was dug to great depths in order to get to the water in the desert. Wells were positioned outside of towns and were places women would gather to collect the essence of what would sustain them and give them life. The women WENT to the place to get them life and took what was already there provided for them. They would go away refreshed and supplied with what they would need throughout that particular day. They just brought themselves and their buckets and sat waiting for life to fill them.
We might be women who have noticed the pain and hurt of this world when no one else does, we may even be in positions to help other women in various ways you ask for help or you just give it. We are all women who desire to leave behind a legacy for younger women, our children, and our grandchildren.
I challenge all of us this week to also try to leave behind the legacy of “being” and living that before we fight on the battle lines. This is new to all of us-so let’s us travel together down this road.
Spiritual Rhythm: Memorization
Continue the rhythm of breathing God throughout your day. Pick one verse this week, something that moves you, then write it out and take it with you where ever you go. Think of it, revisit it throughout your week. Something that allows you to sit at the well and enjoy the “water.” This will be your “water” for the day.
“what makes you think colored people need your help?...”Why you even care about this?... YOU WHITE...”I’ve never had a colored person speak to me like that...”we want to show your perspective...so people might understand what it’s like from your side. We-we hope it might change somethings around here (pg. 192)
READ: LUKE 10:25-41
Ok ladies we are coming close to the date we are meeting, to fellowship with one another...so the next couple of insights may be sporadic throughout the rest of the book...So bear with me, and don’t worry I will let you know what chapters I am getting my inspiration.
Here’s a question-How hard is it for us to practice the art of “being”? Due to our circumstances or experiences we have noticed the dark things of this world, we are go-getters so we assume people need our help. Not only that but we try to bring to light a variety of things in order for people to understand a different perspective and we hope with God’s grace we would be the front runners to change things. We serve others and keep going..and going...and going. We try are the over achievers who are used to doing all the planning ourselves... These are GREAT things, these are our callings after all, but if we are to be the best to further God’s kingdom “being” seems to be more of a concern to our Father.
I must admit “being” is just not one of my “gifts.” For me, even as a toddler my great-grandmother used to tell people “I’ve never seen that girl walk.” What’s true then is still true today I only know one speed and I still seem to be able to maintain that speed. But that’s not the point of this life-how much we can accomplish in one day. I am beginning to see my day to day is about going to the well.
Here’s what I mean: In ancient times wells were built in order to provide water and it was dug to great depths in order to get to the water in the desert. Wells were positioned outside of towns and were places women would gather to collect the essence of what would sustain them and give them life. The women WENT to the place to get them life and took what was already there provided for them. They would go away refreshed and supplied with what they would need throughout that particular day. They just brought themselves and their buckets and sat waiting for life to fill them.
We might be women who have noticed the pain and hurt of this world when no one else does, we may even be in positions to help other women in various ways you ask for help or you just give it. We are all women who desire to leave behind a legacy for younger women, our children, and our grandchildren.
I challenge all of us this week to also try to leave behind the legacy of “being” and living that before we fight on the battle lines. This is new to all of us-so let’s us travel together down this road.
Spiritual Rhythm: Memorization
Continue the rhythm of breathing God throughout your day. Pick one verse this week, something that moves you, then write it out and take it with you where ever you go. Think of it, revisit it throughout your week. Something that allows you to sit at the well and enjoy the “water.” This will be your “water” for the day.
Thursday, August 25, 2011
"The Help" with people...
‘We don’t want to bring all that mess up...tell people the truth..” “Truth, it feels cool, like water washing over my sticky-hot body.” (150-151).
“Am I now trying to win the approval of human beings, or of God? Or am I trying to please people? If I were still trying to please people, I would not be a servant of Christ.”-Galatians 1:10
“Slaves, obey your earthly masters with respect and fear, and with sincerity of heart, just as you would obey Christ. Obey them not only to win their favor when their eye is on you, but as slaves of Christ, doing the will of God from your heart. Serve wholeheartedly, as if you were serving the Lord, not people, because you know that the Lord will reward each one for whatever good they do, whether they are slave or free.”-Ephesians 6:5-8
“Slaves, obey your earthly masters in everything; and do it, not only when their eye is on you and to curry their favor, but with sincerity of heart and reverence for the Lord.”-Colossians 3:22
I don’t have much to say for this reflection, the “people pleasing” podcast from the women’s ministry at Irving Bible Church will be a good reflection and says what I would point out as it relates to this quote from “The Help.”
This podcast touched a depth of my heart that I would like to share with you. Take the time to listen to it and feel as you listen the coolness of the truth about breaking free from the chains of “people pleasing” and living a life of fear in hiding from our True selves.
The Podcast
“Am I now trying to win the approval of human beings, or of God? Or am I trying to please people? If I were still trying to please people, I would not be a servant of Christ.”-Galatians 1:10
“Slaves, obey your earthly masters with respect and fear, and with sincerity of heart, just as you would obey Christ. Obey them not only to win their favor when their eye is on you, but as slaves of Christ, doing the will of God from your heart. Serve wholeheartedly, as if you were serving the Lord, not people, because you know that the Lord will reward each one for whatever good they do, whether they are slave or free.”-Ephesians 6:5-8
“Slaves, obey your earthly masters in everything; and do it, not only when their eye is on you and to curry their favor, but with sincerity of heart and reverence for the Lord.”-Colossians 3:22
I don’t have much to say for this reflection, the “people pleasing” podcast from the women’s ministry at Irving Bible Church will be a good reflection and says what I would point out as it relates to this quote from “The Help.”
This podcast touched a depth of my heart that I would like to share with you. Take the time to listen to it and feel as you listen the coolness of the truth about breaking free from the chains of “people pleasing” and living a life of fear in hiding from our True selves.
The Podcast
Sunday, August 21, 2011
"The Help" -BIG MOUTH
“Yes, because no one ever talks about it. No one talks about anything down here...” (pg. 123)
“God knows, the book business could use come rattling.”(pg. 125)
This week spend some time reading Jeremiah 1 and 36
What if when God spoke to you His calling for you right from the beginning He told you no one would listen to you or things were only going to get worse when you answered that calling? Would you still go? Would you still speak above all the noise?
In a crowded room with all the noise and the chaos of people speaking over another so they could be heard-would you find a way for your voice to be heard, especially when you knew the message was from God?
In the days of the prophets they at times were able to foretell what was going to happen in the future if the people did not turn back to God, but mostly they brought to light the reality of what was going on around nations who CHOSE to not acknowledge the consequences to their self-indulgent behavior.
On the other hand, the prophets were ordinary beings who CHOSE to talk about what no one else was talking about, they were rattling crowds and challenging them to step into being the men and women God was asking them to become.
Here’s the deal ladies...just like Jeremiah God may be telling us to speak up about something that needs to be talked about, no matter the cost. And as chapter 36 alludes to it is almost for certain there are going to be times when your calling, your cause, falls on deaf ears and it is rejected, the VERY WORDS that are from God.
So what are you going to do? Not talk about it? Or rattle some thinking? Jeremiah’s story is a good example of faithfulness and obedience even knowing when he was not going to be successful.
Watch this youtube video below. May it inspire us all to not go back to "ok" and to talk about what others are trying to silence or leave as white elephants in the room.
THE AFTERS-Never Going Back to OK (with lyrics)
Saturday, August 20, 2011
"THE HELP" -breaking ground
“No one’s ever written a book like this, “She say, whispering, finally starting to understand, I guess. “We’d be breaking new ground. It’s a brand-new perspective.” (pg. 120)
We’re finally starting to understand...
These women pioneers broke new ground in their time, doing what needed to be done. They found the strength within themselves in the their own hard times and plowed to new heights for women, though in the moment it just seemed as they were trying to survive in the times.
I encourage you to take a moment to look at this photograph and reflect on you...what is the one thing in your life that has yet to be written, that only you can create, the thing that maybe God is telling you to, “hey my warrior princess, break new ground here...” Maybe its breaking ground out of your sense of comfort right now or a new perspective in some form of expression Abba has been asking you to reveal to the world....
Here’s something else to think about...like this picture, you are not breaking ground alone, you stand with other women who are beginning to understand sometimes the ground is hard to break, but if we all work to break ground soon it will become soft. The catch: we come to live into our true selves, strong confident courageous women warriors.
Spiritual Rhythm:
This week I’m challenging you to the spiritual rhythm of ‘Breath Prayer’. This will begin the journey extending our “quite time” to the whole of our days, with every step, every interaction, every thought, every outreach, every telephone call, every meeting THAT IS time with God. Here are some simple steps to take to practice this (Taken from Spiritual Disciplines Handbook by: Adele Ahlberg Calhoun):
“God is the oxygen of our soul, and we need to breathe in all day long. Breath a prayer reminds us that each breath we are given is God’s gift and that God’s spirit is nearer to us than our own breath.”
Deeply breathe in, repeating any name of God that is dear to you
As you exhale, voice a deep desire of your heart. When you exhale, offer up the desire of your heart
Breathe in “Abba” breathe out “I belong to you”
Breathe in “Healer” breathe out “speak the word and I shall be healed”
Breathe in “Shepherd” breathe out “bring home lost son”
Breathe in “Holy one” breathe “keep me true”
Breathe in “Lord” breathe out “here I am”
Breathe in “Jesus” breathe out “have mercy on me”
Tuesday, August 16, 2011
"THE HELP" with minty Breath
“…look around investigate, and write. Don’t waste your time on the obvious things. Write about what disturbs you, particularly if it bothers no one else.” (pg. 83)
“It is your time Skeeter…I’m not going to let you miss this just because your mother convinced you you’re not good enough…” (102)
“My soul finds rest in God alone...” –Psalm 62:1
“For in him we live and move and have our being.”-Acts 17:28)
I recently watch “To Save a Life” it had its moments of Christian cheesy movie BUT the end has an interesting quote:
“What’s the point of this life if you’re not going to let it change you?”
You, my dear sister are a warrior who IS on the frontlines of the things that should be disturbing us as individuals, as people and as a world. When we talk about the things we do people brush it off or don’t respond the way we THINK they should. So we have stood up regardless of their questioning and doubting to what we know to be Truth from Abba that we have heard. We are the few who have heard our calling and believed in the “this is your time, don’t let anyone convince you differently….” mentality and pushed on. But just like the quote says, “what’s the point of this life if you don‘t let it change you?”
While we are giving people the bread and water of Life on the battlefields, but we not to forget to be women who are engaged with God so much throughout our day that it becomes our inhaling and exhaling.
Here’s where I’m going with this…We have been trained from a young age to block off a portion of our time to have what we call “quiet time” or “spending time with God.” While I think this is important it is what I have come to realize only half way to where we are suppose to be. You see, these days we tend to box off parts of our lives for God…BUT that’s not the way Discipleship is supposed to be.
In 1 Corinthians Paul expresses that the body, mind and soul are all intertwined, nothing is separate it is all connected all flows together. If all we do is blocked off time with God and then go about our day and not let it change us or cause us to breathe a different rhythm, what’s the point? Bottom line: a simple 30 minutes daily with God and then we walk away still makes us queens of our kingdoms with our own agendas and have not given Abba our day. We breathe only when we “have time” or it works for us…
But what if spending time with God looked more like breathing? What if we were so open to the Spirit moving in us that we allowed God to use us in HIS DAY rather than us fitting HIM into our day…what would that look like for you?
What’s the point of fighting if you only take 30 minutes to get re-energized and that’s all? A warrior needs to be ready to go at a moment’s notice; energy is always needed to keep going. Warriors are stead-fast in all they do. I agree there are retreat times, but daily we should be allowing God’s presence saturate us in such a way that being with God become a lifestyle not a section of our day alone. Spending time with God becomes spending our day with God and no longer a checklist or deed, but allowing God to flow in us.
When people ask me “how do you make time with God?” I simply smile because it’s not God who is going with me through MY day but me going through HIS. He makes time for me when I simply know I’m in His presence in ABSOLUTIELY everything and everywhere I go-everything then becomes Holy. And let me tell you frontline women the air is a sweeter longer lasting fragrance than any 30 minutes at one time.
Our lives should be focused more on breathing God throughout our day than gauging ourselves or others on the amount of times they have “been with God” in a week. After all isn’t every moment God’s? We have the power to choose to spend each moment breathing God. So be involved in the things that disturb you and fight till there is blood and sweat and don’t let moments pass you by because IT IS your time by golly (hehe so cheesy), but know battles can only be won with THE KING taking the reins of each breathe we breathe.
Spiritual Rhythm:
This week I’m challenging you to the spiritual rhythm of ‘Breath Prayer’. This will begin the journey extending our “quite time” to the whole of our days, with every step, every interaction, every thought, every outreach, every telephone call, every meeting THAT IS time with God. Here are some simple steps to take to practice this (Taken from Spiritual Disciplines Handbook by: Adele Ahlberg Calhoun):
“God is the oxygen of our soul, and we need to breathe in all day long. Breath a prayer reminds us that each breath we are given is God’s gift and that God’s spirit is nearer to us than our own breath.”
1) Deeply breathe in, repeating any name of God that is dear to you
2) As you exhale, voice a deep desire of your heart. When you exhale, offer up the desire of your heart
Breathe in “Abba” breathe out “I belong to you”
Breathe in “Healer” breathe out “speak the word and I shall be healed”
Breathe in “Shepherd” breathe out “bring home lost son”
Breathe in “Holy one” breathe “keep me true”
Breathe in “Lord” breathe out “here I am”
Breathe in “Jesus” breathe out “have mercy on me”
“It is your time Skeeter…I’m not going to let you miss this just because your mother convinced you you’re not good enough…” (102)
“My soul finds rest in God alone...” –Psalm 62:1
“For in him we live and move and have our being.”-Acts 17:28)
I recently watch “To Save a Life” it had its moments of Christian cheesy movie BUT the end has an interesting quote:
“What’s the point of this life if you’re not going to let it change you?”
You, my dear sister are a warrior who IS on the frontlines of the things that should be disturbing us as individuals, as people and as a world. When we talk about the things we do people brush it off or don’t respond the way we THINK they should. So we have stood up regardless of their questioning and doubting to what we know to be Truth from Abba that we have heard. We are the few who have heard our calling and believed in the “this is your time, don’t let anyone convince you differently….” mentality and pushed on. But just like the quote says, “what’s the point of this life if you don‘t let it change you?”
While we are giving people the bread and water of Life on the battlefields, but we not to forget to be women who are engaged with God so much throughout our day that it becomes our inhaling and exhaling.
Here’s where I’m going with this…We have been trained from a young age to block off a portion of our time to have what we call “quiet time” or “spending time with God.” While I think this is important it is what I have come to realize only half way to where we are suppose to be. You see, these days we tend to box off parts of our lives for God…BUT that’s not the way Discipleship is supposed to be.
In 1 Corinthians Paul expresses that the body, mind and soul are all intertwined, nothing is separate it is all connected all flows together. If all we do is blocked off time with God and then go about our day and not let it change us or cause us to breathe a different rhythm, what’s the point? Bottom line: a simple 30 minutes daily with God and then we walk away still makes us queens of our kingdoms with our own agendas and have not given Abba our day. We breathe only when we “have time” or it works for us…
But what if spending time with God looked more like breathing? What if we were so open to the Spirit moving in us that we allowed God to use us in HIS DAY rather than us fitting HIM into our day…what would that look like for you?
What’s the point of fighting if you only take 30 minutes to get re-energized and that’s all? A warrior needs to be ready to go at a moment’s notice; energy is always needed to keep going. Warriors are stead-fast in all they do. I agree there are retreat times, but daily we should be allowing God’s presence saturate us in such a way that being with God become a lifestyle not a section of our day alone. Spending time with God becomes spending our day with God and no longer a checklist or deed, but allowing God to flow in us.
When people ask me “how do you make time with God?” I simply smile because it’s not God who is going with me through MY day but me going through HIS. He makes time for me when I simply know I’m in His presence in ABSOLUTIELY everything and everywhere I go-everything then becomes Holy. And let me tell you frontline women the air is a sweeter longer lasting fragrance than any 30 minutes at one time.
Our lives should be focused more on breathing God throughout our day than gauging ourselves or others on the amount of times they have “been with God” in a week. After all isn’t every moment God’s? We have the power to choose to spend each moment breathing God. So be involved in the things that disturb you and fight till there is blood and sweat and don’t let moments pass you by because IT IS your time by golly (hehe so cheesy), but know battles can only be won with THE KING taking the reins of each breathe we breathe.
Spiritual Rhythm:
This week I’m challenging you to the spiritual rhythm of ‘Breath Prayer’. This will begin the journey extending our “quite time” to the whole of our days, with every step, every interaction, every thought, every outreach, every telephone call, every meeting THAT IS time with God. Here are some simple steps to take to practice this (Taken from Spiritual Disciplines Handbook by: Adele Ahlberg Calhoun):
“God is the oxygen of our soul, and we need to breathe in all day long. Breath a prayer reminds us that each breath we are given is God’s gift and that God’s spirit is nearer to us than our own breath.”
1) Deeply breathe in, repeating any name of God that is dear to you
2) As you exhale, voice a deep desire of your heart. When you exhale, offer up the desire of your heart
Breathe in “Abba” breathe out “I belong to you”
Breathe in “Healer” breathe out “speak the word and I shall be healed”
Breathe in “Shepherd” breathe out “bring home lost son”
Breathe in “Holy one” breathe “keep me true”
Breathe in “Lord” breathe out “here I am”
Breathe in “Jesus” breathe out “have mercy on me”
Tuesday, August 9, 2011
'The Help' with the gift of Gumption
“If you’d just show a little gumption, Eugenia.” (pg.65)
“But my one dream was that one day I should write something that people would actually read (pg.69)
Jeremiah 33:3 says, “Ask me and I will tell you some remarkable secrets about what is going to happen here.” Ask, seek and knock, God is waiting to reveal himself to you and tell you the things He wants you to know.
Proverbs 25:2 says, “It is God’s privilege to conceal things and the king’s privilege to discover them.”
For God did not give us a spirit of timidity, but a spirit of power, of love and of self-discipline.-2 Timothy 1:7
Gumption means , you have a lot of spirit & spunk. the nerve to do things without question.
I think we all want to leave our mark in the world, after all we are all women who believe God has given us a high calling to travel to the front lines and lead people into battle. It’s leaving our prints, our legacy. Yet it can be daunting and overwhelming to even know where to begin. There is a picture book called ‘The Dot’ by Peter Reynolds I love that addresses this very thing. The story goes like this:
“Vashti sits in art class uninspired and frustrated. When her teacher suggests she just ‘make a mark and see where it takes you’, Vashti defiantly places a dot in the centre of the page and hands in her work.
Her teacher’s response sets Vashti on a wonderful journey exploring the many ways she can make her mark using dots until she finds herself able to use her experience to encourage another frustrated young artist.
Women, if you are at a crossroads listen to the little voice within you. I have found in my own life there is never a “perfect” time to step out of the boat. Sure its safer, but you are still your own “ruler of your own world by staying there. What is keeping you in the boat? What is keeping your spirit full of fear and timidity-that is a spirit not of our Papa.
What a blessing we can seek women in the bible, women in our our lives and women in this book who can show us what a little courage and GUMPTION can do.
We are meant to be women who can bring Heaven to earth right now as is-what a high calling...
Now the question is--Are you gonna step out and allow that spunk and get the nerve to do something that could look risky? And when are you going to step out? Our Papa is ready to hand you your sword and take you on battlefields only He could dream for you.
Go and show your gumption!
Spiritual Rythmn:
The Serenity Prayer
God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change; courage to change the things I can; and wisdom to know the difference.
Living one day at a time; Enjoying one moment at a time; Accepting hardships as the pathway to peace; Taking, as He did, this sinful world as it is, not as I would have it; Trusting that He will make all things right if I surrender to His Will; That I may be reasonably happy in this life and supremely happy with Him Forever in the next. Amen.
--Reinhold Niebuhr
“But my one dream was that one day I should write something that people would actually read (pg.69)
Jeremiah 33:3 says, “Ask me and I will tell you some remarkable secrets about what is going to happen here.” Ask, seek and knock, God is waiting to reveal himself to you and tell you the things He wants you to know.
Proverbs 25:2 says, “It is God’s privilege to conceal things and the king’s privilege to discover them.”
For God did not give us a spirit of timidity, but a spirit of power, of love and of self-discipline.-2 Timothy 1:7
Gumption means , you have a lot of spirit & spunk. the nerve to do things without question.
I think we all want to leave our mark in the world, after all we are all women who believe God has given us a high calling to travel to the front lines and lead people into battle. It’s leaving our prints, our legacy. Yet it can be daunting and overwhelming to even know where to begin. There is a picture book called ‘The Dot’ by Peter Reynolds I love that addresses this very thing. The story goes like this:
“Vashti sits in art class uninspired and frustrated. When her teacher suggests she just ‘make a mark and see where it takes you’, Vashti defiantly places a dot in the centre of the page and hands in her work.
Her teacher’s response sets Vashti on a wonderful journey exploring the many ways she can make her mark using dots until she finds herself able to use her experience to encourage another frustrated young artist.
Women, if you are at a crossroads listen to the little voice within you. I have found in my own life there is never a “perfect” time to step out of the boat. Sure its safer, but you are still your own “ruler of your own world by staying there. What is keeping you in the boat? What is keeping your spirit full of fear and timidity-that is a spirit not of our Papa.
What a blessing we can seek women in the bible, women in our our lives and women in this book who can show us what a little courage and GUMPTION can do.
We are meant to be women who can bring Heaven to earth right now as is-what a high calling...
Now the question is--Are you gonna step out and allow that spunk and get the nerve to do something that could look risky? And when are you going to step out? Our Papa is ready to hand you your sword and take you on battlefields only He could dream for you.
Go and show your gumption!
Spiritual Rythmn:
The Serenity Prayer
God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change; courage to change the things I can; and wisdom to know the difference.
Living one day at a time; Enjoying one moment at a time; Accepting hardships as the pathway to peace; Taking, as He did, this sinful world as it is, not as I would have it; Trusting that He will make all things right if I surrender to His Will; That I may be reasonably happy in this life and supremely happy with Him Forever in the next. Amen.
--Reinhold Niebuhr
Monday, August 8, 2011
"The Help" with Ripples
Dear Ladies-
I meant to have chapters 1-5 finished by now but I was on a retreat last part of last week. Thank you for your patience. Mat God bless you all. Here's chapter 3's reflection.
“I’ve never told a white woman what to do and I don’t really know how to start.”(pg.51)
“Therefore, come now, and I will send you to Pharaoh, so that you may bring My people, the sons of Israel, out of Egypt.” But Moses said to God, “Who am I that I should got to Pharaoh, and that I should bring the sons of Israel out of Egypt?”-Exodus 3:10-11
Not really knowing how to start...
I feel like this is something we as women struggle with especially since we have a high calling to redeem people back to God through the love of Christ. Today’s thought is simply this...
You don’t always have to have it all mapped out before you start anything, simply starting can start a ripple effect God desires to start. And even failing can put you at a more refined starting point for the exact vision God would have for your calling.
Moses was one such person who God gave a high calling to but he didn’t know how to start and spent time questioning God. (For more reading on Moses story see Exodus 3:1-4:13)
Below is an in youtube link to a non-profit called “Falling Whistles Campaign” What I really want you to observe is what the founder, Sean Carasso, says about starting something but not knowing how to go about it and the journey him and his team have taken to get where they are now.
Maybe sometimes “no really knowing how to start” is the perfect place to start...
Spiritual Rhythm:
God grant me the serenity
to accept the things I cannot change;
courage to change the things I can;
and wisdom to know the difference.
Living one day at a time;
Enjoying one moment at a time;
Accepting hardships as the pathway to peace;
Taking, as He did, this sinful world
as it is, not as I would have it;
Trusting that He will make all things right
if I surrender to His Will;
That I may be reasonably happy in this life
and supremely happy with Him
Forever in the next.
--Reinhold Niebuhr
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KaraWolfe100 has shared a video with you on YouTube:
Falling Whistles Interview
This is a video interview with the brand Falling Whistles. Falling Whistles is creating awareness into the deadliest war of our time. The Falling Whistles campaign launched with a simple message -- make their weapon your voice and be a whistleblower for peace in Congo. 100% of Falling Whistle proceeds are used to rehabilitate and advocate for war-affected children. Wear your necklace, share the story and speak up for peace in the Democratic Republic of Congo. Please visit http://fallingwhistles.com
I meant to have chapters 1-5 finished by now but I was on a retreat last part of last week. Thank you for your patience. Mat God bless you all. Here's chapter 3's reflection.
“I’ve never told a white woman what to do and I don’t really know how to start.”(pg.51)
“Therefore, come now, and I will send you to Pharaoh, so that you may bring My people, the sons of Israel, out of Egypt.” But Moses said to God, “Who am I that I should got to Pharaoh, and that I should bring the sons of Israel out of Egypt?”-Exodus 3:10-11
Not really knowing how to start...
I feel like this is something we as women struggle with especially since we have a high calling to redeem people back to God through the love of Christ. Today’s thought is simply this...
You don’t always have to have it all mapped out before you start anything, simply starting can start a ripple effect God desires to start. And even failing can put you at a more refined starting point for the exact vision God would have for your calling.
Moses was one such person who God gave a high calling to but he didn’t know how to start and spent time questioning God. (For more reading on Moses story see Exodus 3:1-4:13)
Below is an in youtube link to a non-profit called “Falling Whistles Campaign” What I really want you to observe is what the founder, Sean Carasso, says about starting something but not knowing how to go about it and the journey him and his team have taken to get where they are now.
Maybe sometimes “no really knowing how to start” is the perfect place to start...
Spiritual Rhythm:
God grant me the serenity
to accept the things I cannot change;
courage to change the things I can;
and wisdom to know the difference.
Living one day at a time;
Enjoying one moment at a time;
Accepting hardships as the pathway to peace;
Taking, as He did, this sinful world
as it is, not as I would have it;
Trusting that He will make all things right
if I surrender to His Will;
That I may be reasonably happy in this life
and supremely happy with Him
Forever in the next.
--Reinhold Niebuhr
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KaraWolfe100 has shared a video with you on YouTube:
Falling Whistles Interview
This is a video interview with the brand Falling Whistles. Falling Whistles is creating awareness into the deadliest war of our time. The Falling Whistles campaign launched with a simple message -- make their weapon your voice and be a whistleblower for peace in Congo. 100% of Falling Whistle proceeds are used to rehabilitate and advocate for war-affected children. Wear your necklace, share the story and speak up for peace in the Democratic Republic of Congo. Please visit http://fallingwhistles.com
Wednesday, August 3, 2011
Who's "Help" Do I Need?
“Do you ever wish you could…change things?” she asks. “Oh no, ma’am, everything’s fine.” (pg.12)
I feel like we can all relate to this thought, and many times I bet you like me are the one who sits around with your friends asking the same question Skeeter asks Aibileen “don’t you wish you could change things?” Sometimes we think we ARE that change. And WE’VE got the remedy to alter the way things are…
So before we know it we see a need and plow full force before anyone else can react. Whether we want to admit it or not the things that go through our head is “who else is gonna do it? Who else is gonna make sure it gets done, the “right” way?” –can I get an Amen??
But seriously, we are women who do want to see change, that’s why we do what we do day in and day out, but for some reason we put all that load and responsibility of change on our own backs and not on the One who is more than capable to part the waters and shake the mountains.
Whatever your spiritual battle field, that battle was going on long before we got there, God has been using people long before we became engaged on the battle fronts He has placed us. Also, warrior women we need to remember God has engraved the names of the people we are trying to fight for on this earth on His Papa hands. Those we love, those we are sharing gospel living with God knew and loved them LONG before we did and he loves them that much more deeply than we.
So yes, let us continue to be women who seek change in this broken world, may we continue to fight for the things God would have us fight for, but may we also be women who remember the One who is LEADING us. These are His battles; we are simply the warriors who have chosen to take up arms and fight. God has full responsibility for the people we engage with, so may we be women who loosen our hands and instead of holding onto them tightly, may we lift them up to their Heavenly Father-sometimes we have to get out of our own way in order to see God work in people’s lives around us.
“Once God has spoken; twice have I heard this, that power belongs to God,-Psalm 62:11
“And God raised the Lord and will also raise us up by his power.”-I Cor. 6:14
Week’s Spiritual Rhythm: This week every morning, throughout the day, and before you go to bed recite the prayer below. May it guide you in discerning when God is telling you to step in, when He’s telling you to trust Him, and when He’s asking you to step aside for Him to do His work. It could alter the way you fight-you may just find that peace we hear so often about.
The Serenity Prayer
God grant me the serenity
to accept the things I cannot change;
courage to change the things I can;
and wisdom to know the difference.
Living one day at a time;
Enjoying one moment at a time;
Accepting hardships as the pathway to peace;
Taking, as He did, this sinful world
as it is, not as I would have it;
Trusting that He will make all things right
if I surrender to His Will;
That I may be reasonably happy in this life
and supremely happy with Him
Forever in the next.
--Reinhold Niebuhr
I feel like we can all relate to this thought, and many times I bet you like me are the one who sits around with your friends asking the same question Skeeter asks Aibileen “don’t you wish you could change things?” Sometimes we think we ARE that change. And WE’VE got the remedy to alter the way things are…
So before we know it we see a need and plow full force before anyone else can react. Whether we want to admit it or not the things that go through our head is “who else is gonna do it? Who else is gonna make sure it gets done, the “right” way?” –can I get an Amen??
But seriously, we are women who do want to see change, that’s why we do what we do day in and day out, but for some reason we put all that load and responsibility of change on our own backs and not on the One who is more than capable to part the waters and shake the mountains.
Whatever your spiritual battle field, that battle was going on long before we got there, God has been using people long before we became engaged on the battle fronts He has placed us. Also, warrior women we need to remember God has engraved the names of the people we are trying to fight for on this earth on His Papa hands. Those we love, those we are sharing gospel living with God knew and loved them LONG before we did and he loves them that much more deeply than we.
So yes, let us continue to be women who seek change in this broken world, may we continue to fight for the things God would have us fight for, but may we also be women who remember the One who is LEADING us. These are His battles; we are simply the warriors who have chosen to take up arms and fight. God has full responsibility for the people we engage with, so may we be women who loosen our hands and instead of holding onto them tightly, may we lift them up to their Heavenly Father-sometimes we have to get out of our own way in order to see God work in people’s lives around us.
“Once God has spoken; twice have I heard this, that power belongs to God,-Psalm 62:11
“And God raised the Lord and will also raise us up by his power.”-I Cor. 6:14
Week’s Spiritual Rhythm: This week every morning, throughout the day, and before you go to bed recite the prayer below. May it guide you in discerning when God is telling you to step in, when He’s telling you to trust Him, and when He’s asking you to step aside for Him to do His work. It could alter the way you fight-you may just find that peace we hear so often about.
The Serenity Prayer
God grant me the serenity
to accept the things I cannot change;
courage to change the things I can;
and wisdom to know the difference.
Living one day at a time;
Enjoying one moment at a time;
Accepting hardships as the pathway to peace;
Taking, as He did, this sinful world
as it is, not as I would have it;
Trusting that He will make all things right
if I surrender to His Will;
That I may be reasonably happy in this life
and supremely happy with Him
Forever in the next.
--Reinhold Niebuhr
Monday, July 4, 2011
American girl by birth but nothing more...
“Are you even American?” my boyfriend joked with me the other day as I struggled to identify the Star - Spangled Banner. What many people don’t know is I struggle with that part of my identity, my passport says so, but I spent some formative years living abroad and the longest I have lived anywhere is 6 years. I never grew up knowing what it meant to be patriotic for a place. We moved from place to place, like nomads do, never truly digging roots anywhere. I’ve never lived close to extended family and the consistenecy of friendship I have is comprised of long distance ones of 10 and 17 years. I am at home most when I am among other cultures and though I don’t speak anything but English I am comforted by the sounds of another’s language being spoken around me. Not many people get this world, one that shifts in places and faces. Maybe that’s why I am drawn to the outer circles many times in life.
I’m not going to lie, I find it hard to “plead allegiance” to a country, something in my eyes, that is temporary and being of nomad blood I have found the only true and constant thing I know is to align myself to God and his authority in this life and the next…
I’m being challenged these by the God of Community to begin to live a life of Covenant and not one that is filled of co-habitual habits. Let me explain. Know that as I am doing this I am guiltiest of all for living much life like this with all I have encountered. I have fallen short and by the grace of God He is showing me another way.
In cohabitating the length of the relationship is anybody’s best guess. “It’s this idea let me spend some time with you to see if I get along with you or like you.” This relationship is about you not learning to love a person. A covenant is committing you to another, loving them before and past all their short-comings. I am starting to believe that living in covenant is uncomfortable and not the norm and goes against all that society has set up right now. If the length of the relationship is not certain how can anyone have a quality relationship with anyone, and knowing that if something goes bad you have the option to bail, but how is that fair to anyone? Co-habituating is like asking someone to be in their best behavior all the time and only then will I love you and stay with you-it’s soooo conditional. A covenant is a sealed agreement with another because you want to invest in their lives and love them and walk with them no matter their shortcomings-unconditional, the type of love we were all meant to have.
OK friends, don’t hear me say, “Kara, said bind myself to this person, but they are manipulative or abusive or don’t have my best interests at heart...” I’m not saying that—we all must be wise in who we choose to bind ourselves with-don’t bind yourself to a fool or some dill-weed who cares nothing for you. I have had many a time I thought I was suppose to build a covenant community with people but through prayer and discernment the spirit showed me another way. You choose, and you discern. But we need to be a people who stops jumping from community to community simply because we are fearful for people to know us or are shy to experience unconditional love.
From a personal standpoint, being that vulnerable and intimate with people is a challenge, but that first time you truly experience unconditional love from another person is the closest to a tangible form of grace I have know. When you begin to trust people to be your side on your rotten days and people who love you and you don't have to portray perfection to them, there is FREEDOM in convenant relationships!
So I still wonder if I am American, but one thing I do know is my allegiance and identity is in God and now I am called to align myself with believers in the community to walk with them and bestow on them that which has been given to me.
I’m not going to lie, I find it hard to “plead allegiance” to a country, something in my eyes, that is temporary and being of nomad blood I have found the only true and constant thing I know is to align myself to God and his authority in this life and the next…
I’m being challenged these by the God of Community to begin to live a life of Covenant and not one that is filled of co-habitual habits. Let me explain. Know that as I am doing this I am guiltiest of all for living much life like this with all I have encountered. I have fallen short and by the grace of God He is showing me another way.
In cohabitating the length of the relationship is anybody’s best guess. “It’s this idea let me spend some time with you to see if I get along with you or like you.” This relationship is about you not learning to love a person. A covenant is committing you to another, loving them before and past all their short-comings. I am starting to believe that living in covenant is uncomfortable and not the norm and goes against all that society has set up right now. If the length of the relationship is not certain how can anyone have a quality relationship with anyone, and knowing that if something goes bad you have the option to bail, but how is that fair to anyone? Co-habituating is like asking someone to be in their best behavior all the time and only then will I love you and stay with you-it’s soooo conditional. A covenant is a sealed agreement with another because you want to invest in their lives and love them and walk with them no matter their shortcomings-unconditional, the type of love we were all meant to have.
OK friends, don’t hear me say, “Kara, said bind myself to this person, but they are manipulative or abusive or don’t have my best interests at heart...” I’m not saying that—we all must be wise in who we choose to bind ourselves with-don’t bind yourself to a fool or some dill-weed who cares nothing for you. I have had many a time I thought I was suppose to build a covenant community with people but through prayer and discernment the spirit showed me another way. You choose, and you discern. But we need to be a people who stops jumping from community to community simply because we are fearful for people to know us or are shy to experience unconditional love.
From a personal standpoint, being that vulnerable and intimate with people is a challenge, but that first time you truly experience unconditional love from another person is the closest to a tangible form of grace I have know. When you begin to trust people to be your side on your rotten days and people who love you and you don't have to portray perfection to them, there is FREEDOM in convenant relationships!
So I still wonder if I am American, but one thing I do know is my allegiance and identity is in God and now I am called to align myself with believers in the community to walk with them and bestow on them that which has been given to me.
Friday, April 15, 2011
Beauty Poured out
I admit it we live in some dark days. Earthquakes, governmental uprisings, natural disasters. Murder, rape, domestic violence, women selling themselves in the clubs and in the streets. Pimps and traffickers transporting innocent children across international and domestic borders. To the naked eye things look bleak and they would be justified in what they see, however I feel that though this world is being cracked and bruised there is still beauty that is being poured out. It takes open eyes and hearts to see and listen to the things going on around us.
I consider myself to be a “life spelunker”, one who takes the life that has been given to me, grabs on and straps in, lowering myself deeper in search for life and inspiration beneath the surface.
Here is what I see, here is the elegance I see infusing into this world…
The other night I went to the symphony knowing it was already going to be a night of
spellbinding harmonies and melodies and to my surprise I found myself sitting four rows from a renowned violinist and watched her play a 1720 'Red Mendelssohn' Stradivarius. According to the music world this is a rare instrument these days and even rarer for being in such great condition to play. As I watched her perform, her radiance in the music she was making opened my eyes to seeing extravagance being poured out like I have never seen. She captivated us with her love for playing and invited the audience go to on a journey with her, one filled with hope and light. Not only are individuals putting life back into this world, but even in creation things continuously show up and displays itself for all to see. The other day a friend of mine was describing a sunrise that she had witnessed and in its enchantment brought tears to her eyes and in that she said, “How can we say there is no life here on this earth? How can we say that there is no beauty here on earth? Look around, there is life all around us.”
People all around are making magnificence in all sorts of creative ways. Life is happening all around us. We have to be in tune to the ways it presents itself in dark times. A woman choosing the path to recovery after a life of being involved in the sex industry, a new born baby crying as it comes into this world, an artist who is sitting among the flowers recreating life on a canvas. These are the ways of hope, this is splendor being poured into cracks.
A lifetime spelunker
I consider myself to be a “life spelunker”, one who takes the life that has been given to me, grabs on and straps in, lowering myself deeper in search for life and inspiration beneath the surface.
Here is what I see, here is the elegance I see infusing into this world…
The other night I went to the symphony knowing it was already going to be a night of
spellbinding harmonies and melodies and to my surprise I found myself sitting four rows from a renowned violinist and watched her play a 1720 'Red Mendelssohn' Stradivarius. According to the music world this is a rare instrument these days and even rarer for being in such great condition to play. As I watched her perform, her radiance in the music she was making opened my eyes to seeing extravagance being poured out like I have never seen. She captivated us with her love for playing and invited the audience go to on a journey with her, one filled with hope and light. Not only are individuals putting life back into this world, but even in creation things continuously show up and displays itself for all to see. The other day a friend of mine was describing a sunrise that she had witnessed and in its enchantment brought tears to her eyes and in that she said, “How can we say there is no life here on this earth? How can we say that there is no beauty here on earth? Look around, there is life all around us.”
People all around are making magnificence in all sorts of creative ways. Life is happening all around us. We have to be in tune to the ways it presents itself in dark times. A woman choosing the path to recovery after a life of being involved in the sex industry, a new born baby crying as it comes into this world, an artist who is sitting among the flowers recreating life on a canvas. These are the ways of hope, this is splendor being poured into cracks.
A lifetime spelunker
Thursday, March 3, 2011
The Living Dead
Hey friends!!
It's been awhile since I have been here.. and by here I mean phyically here and also spiritually. I only publish what I discern the Spirit to have me publish. I have been in the desert with writing and that's ok, because during this time I have taken a step back and beginning to see TRUE Self, the self who I am IN Christ. Let me tell you it changes the world. I i embark on this journey of writing again...Love you all.
"But wen Jesus heard it, he said, "This illness does not lead to death; rather it is for God's glory, that the Son of God may be glorified through it."-John 11:4
We've all at some point in our lives had our hearts broken by some sort of loss. This story talks about how Mary and Martha had a plan in mind for how they thought Jesus should of been there for them in their time of loss. However, he holds back for a couple of days so that HIS GLORY could be revealed.
Loss can paralyze someone. The good news is WE ARE IN Christ and so there is hope in a new life, not one that just "Ok" but a vibrant life in which we have the gift of each day to be RADIANT to those around us. We have the power of Christ to live again, and when this plays out people are able to see the "life of Christ in us like no other because it defies all odds." Have you ever thought about that? That we have the power of Christ's resurrection in us?? SWEET!
"The life of a Christian is not about sameness. It's always changing. That's why we must learn to survive and once again thrive when change involves heartbreaking loss.we're conformed to the image of Christ."-Beth Moore
So will you rise and life the purpose of this life "to know God and have others know Him" or will you fall in suite with the rest of the culture and live the way they have influenced us to live for so long? Once we rise and live out our True Selves, we can begin to show those around us this alternative community counter to the community we walk through each day.
Love you all, so proud of all the things God is allowing us to be apart of for His Kingdom on this earth. :) Shows when we spend time IN Abba our spheres become impacted with his love for others.
Blessings over you all,
It's been awhile since I have been here.. and by here I mean phyically here and also spiritually. I only publish what I discern the Spirit to have me publish. I have been in the desert with writing and that's ok, because during this time I have taken a step back and beginning to see TRUE Self, the self who I am IN Christ. Let me tell you it changes the world. I i embark on this journey of writing again...Love you all.
"But wen Jesus heard it, he said, "This illness does not lead to death; rather it is for God's glory, that the Son of God may be glorified through it."-John 11:4
We've all at some point in our lives had our hearts broken by some sort of loss. This story talks about how Mary and Martha had a plan in mind for how they thought Jesus should of been there for them in their time of loss. However, he holds back for a couple of days so that HIS GLORY could be revealed.
Loss can paralyze someone. The good news is WE ARE IN Christ and so there is hope in a new life, not one that just "Ok" but a vibrant life in which we have the gift of each day to be RADIANT to those around us. We have the power of Christ to live again, and when this plays out people are able to see the "life of Christ in us like no other because it defies all odds." Have you ever thought about that? That we have the power of Christ's resurrection in us?? SWEET!
"The life of a Christian is not about sameness. It's always changing. That's why we must learn to survive and once again thrive when change involves heartbreaking loss.we're conformed to the image of Christ."-Beth Moore
So will you rise and life the purpose of this life "to know God and have others know Him" or will you fall in suite with the rest of the culture and live the way they have influenced us to live for so long? Once we rise and live out our True Selves, we can begin to show those around us this alternative community counter to the community we walk through each day.
Love you all, so proud of all the things God is allowing us to be apart of for His Kingdom on this earth. :) Shows when we spend time IN Abba our spheres become impacted with his love for others.
Blessings over you all,
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